Sunday, August 2, 2009

Rodin workshop

The Rodin workshop took place last week and
abstracts and slides are available on the Event-B wiki:

A follow-on workshop will be held next summer.
Date and venue to be decided.

Michael Butler

On 21/05/2009 15:39, "Michael J Butler"
<> wrote:

A reminder about the Rodin Developer Workshop
in Southampton in July 2009:

Note that we have now decided to hold
a 1-day tutorial on Rodin plug-in
development on 15 July just before
the workshop. The tutorial is intended
for existing and prospective plug-in
developers. It will give an overview
of the architecture of Rodin and
provide guidance on building plug-ins.


Michael Butler, University of Southampton
Stefan Hallerstede, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Laurent Voisin, Systerel

Formal Methods Week

conference workshop: recent innovations and applications in B