Friday, June 20, 2008

Minutes of the conference

The B Method Conference:

29 persons attend the conference, among which

Researchers/Teachers: 22
Companies: 6
Student speaker: 1

Countries of the authors (without France):
Japan: 1
Germany: 1
U.K.: 2 S
Switzerland: 1
Hongary: 1

1 invited talk is given on the main features of Event B, some examples, and some feedbacks on teaching

8 papers was presented, they cover a wide range of teaching aspects of B: from data structures, visualisations of predicates, tests, developement of specific algorithms and case studies, links with co-algebra, etc

1 presentation is devoted to the Rodin Project and Framework

1 stand was devoted to the Systerel Company, for demos on Rodin

* The best talk selection: Henri Habrias had 8 votes

Frédéric Dadeau and Dominique Mery had 4 votes each.

The papers will be available on the conference site; P

lease send us your slides, to make them available on the conference web site.

* The participating colleagues and friends grab this opportunity to thank Professor Henri Habrias for his efforts for the animation of the B community and his forthcoming retirement ** Many Thanks to you all, for your friendship, Henri


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw a lot of people taking a lot of pictures.
It would be very nice if these pictures were made available one way or anoter.
It was a very nice meeting
All the best to all
Guy V.N.