Sunday, March 27, 2016

First B Conference, Program

Nantes, November 25-26-27, 1996


November 25, 1996

08h 00
08h 50
Opening address by J.F. Nicaud, Directeur de l'IRIN

Session 1: Invited conference

Chairman, Pierre Desforges (RATP, Paris, F)
09h 00
L'échec du vol Ariane 501
Invited speaker : Gilles Kahn (Directeur scientifique, INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis)
10h 00

Session 2

Chairman, J.L. Dormoy (EDF-DER, Clamart, F)
10h 30
Développement formel des logiciels sécuritaires de METEOR
Patrick Behm (MATRA Transport International, Montrouge, F)
11h 15
Safety Critical Software Assessment: Past Experience and New Approach
Miloudi El Koursi, Georges Mariano (INRETS-ESTAS, Villeneuve d'Ascq, F)
12h 00

Session 3

Chairman, Stephen Shirlaw (GEC Alsthom Signalling Ltd, London, UK)
14h 00
Experiences with Proof in a Formal Development
D. Clutterbuck, J. , B. Matthews
(Praxis Critical Systems, Bath, U.K.)
(Rutherford Appleton Lab., Oxon, U.K.)
14h 45
A Study on Components and Assembly Primitives in B
D. Bert, M.-L. Potet, Y. Rouzaud. (IMAG-LSR, Grenoble, F)
15h 30

Session 4

Chairman, J.F. Monin (, Lannion, F)
16h 00
La construction de la spécification formelle d'un système complexe
Nestor Lopez (groupe PI, CEDRIC, CNAM, Paris, F)
17h 00
Obligations de preuves de raffinement en B
Lilian Burdy (MATRA Transport Inter., Montrouge, F)
17h 40
Object-Oriented Modelling in B 
Richard Shore (University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, UK)
19h 00
Soirée cabaret with the group ``Hélène et Jean-François''

November 26, 1996

Session 5

Chairman, Thérèse Hardin (Univ. Paris VI, Paris)
09h 00
Distributed System Developement in B 
M. Butler (Univ. of Southampton, UK),
M. Walden (Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland)
09h 45
Break - Formal specification books on exhibit

Session 6 : Extending B

Chairman, M. Frappier (Univ. de Sherbrooke, Canada)
10h 15
Extending B without Changing it (for Developing Distributed Systems)
Invited speaker: Jean-Raymond Abrial (Consultant independant, Paris, F)
11h 00
Machines Abstraites Temporelles. Analyse Comparative de B et de TLA+
Dominique Méry (Univ. de Nancy I, CRIN, Institut Univ. de France, F)
11h 45
Hypersubstitutions : Extending the Generalised Substitution to Model Semi-decidable Operations
Steve Dunne, Bill Stoddart (University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, UK)
12h 30

Session 7 : Experiences with B

Chairman, Steve Dunne (Un. of Teesside, UK)
14h 00
Using B to Design and Verify Controllers for Chemical Processing
K. , J. Bicarregui, A. Sanchez
(Imperial College, London, U.K.)
14h 45
Dérivation de spécifications formelles B à partir de spécifications semi-formelles de systèmes d'information
P. Facon, R. Laleau, H.P. Nguyen (CEDRIC-IIE, CNAM, F)
15h 30
Break - Formal specification books on exhibit

Session 8

Chairman, J.M. Meynadier (Matra Transport, F)

16h 00
Early Experiences in Teaching the B-Method
Ken Robinson (University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia)
16h 40
Proving on a Reasonable Level of Abstraction with Programmer-Designed Theories
Philip Heuberger (Turku Center of C.S., Turku, Finland)
17h 00

November 27, 1996

Session 9 : Case Studies (A)

Chairman, Didier Bert (LGI-IMAG, Grenoble)
09h 00
The Use of the B Method on an Avionics Example - The MIST ProjectInvited speaker: Jonathan Draper (GEC-Marconi Avionics Ltd,Rochester, UK)
09h 45
Formal Development in B of a Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm
Ranan Fraer (INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, F)
10h 30

Session 10 : Case Studies (B)

Chairman, Guy Laffitte (INSEE, Nantes, F)
11h 00
Une étude de cas en B : les feux tricolores
Jean-Yves Chauvet (CNAM, Tours, F)
11h 45
  • for the best oral presentation
  • for the best written paper
13h 00
End of the conference

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